Now I was to meet the new leader ...Ioannis and his Cyrenean Greek army he was rather at ease knowing he had the points to win the...
The Belgiam MEG Prophet and his games
Bienvenue chez The lonesome wargamer, mon projet personnel et passionné, plein d'informations uniques et intéressantes relatives au monde du jeu de stratégie .
Now I was to meet the new leader ...Ioannis and his Cyrenean Greek army he was rather at ease knowing he had the points to win the...
So George and I were the leading players with both 30 points. George was playing the agressive Alexandrian Macedonian army and had a...
Now I was to fight a very mobile opponent or Konstantinos's Early Scythian/Saka army. I was fortunate to have met such an army a few days...
The theme was globally "antique" . This time I used an Etruscan army with gallic and samnites allies The first opponent would be Kostas...
Now I was to meet a deadly opponent 4808 Angkor led by Roger. He has nellies that are quite good vs my battle wagons and ART mounted on...
Now I was to meet a very perplexed Adrian and his 4105 early zhou Both armies are now deployed and yes one of my flank was well protected...
Reminder of the list. It uses Battle Wagons with some interesting ART that can shoot over the head of their own units; A laager that's...
This game was a bit special as it was played the week before the tournament, one player having to leave early . I faced David and his...
This time I was to meet Frédéric Dufour, the star french player who usually wins any continental tournements he plays in It would be a...
Next I was to face Bruno Masson and his Hunnic army. I completely mismanaged that game and got my ...handed to me He was lucjy enough to...
BRULIB in honour of Brussels Liberation Day was also EMEGC or the European MEG Championship My army . For some unknown reason the...
Rueil's tournament was based on Asian armies. This time I used Paul's Southern Dynasties army list ( with his kind permission ) Some...
A last battle vs Hunter Hope's Late 17th century Ottoman provincial of the North army It was a very difficult battle a disaster the...
It has been some time now but life is sometimes a bit unpredictable. So as a reminder my army list I was to meet John Munro's Bourbon...
The Hussars ride again but their leadership will falter. Fatigue, stress will take a toll and command will not be that glorious and end...
I was to meet Jonathan's new model army . Like me he is discovering REG so at least in terms of knowledge of the rules we were equal. I...
REG is a very different beast than MEG and I am far from being proficient in the rules, the strategy and tactics to use so it was more...
Ok so I would have to tackle pikes, lancers, cataphracts ....No easy game for my poor loose inca infantry but I would try to do as much...
Now facing Renaud and his mighty but ponderous pontic army with a very heavy Armenian ally. I knew I would face cataphracts, very...
For the second game I was to face King Roger and his kingdom of Aragon army and his french ally. Happily I outscouted him some 30 % but...