Now I was to meet the new leader ...Ioannis and his Cyrenean Greek army
he was rather at ease knowing he had the points to win the tournament and if I wanted to get points I needed to pu the pressure
I was outscouted and tired, unnerved by my previous game and lacking focus ( very often on a Sunday afternoon, thanks long covid )
Well I made a simple beginner's mistake I tried to hold a much too long front .

Ioannis planning his moves

I had planned tp go for it on my left flank

And delay on my overextended right flank

In short my assault will falter as I did not get very good colours it went to slow and too late and I hesitated one turn which would amper me for later
I will finally break a TUG but Ioannis's assault on my center and right flank was much more efficient . I lost my chariotry ( never roll one on a skirmish manoeuvre ), my gallic infantry and an Etruscan hoplite TUG ...
I had badly mismanaged that game
So the game ended 10-4 a clear advantage in favour of Ioannis who will win the tournament .
I will end 4th not too bad
