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BRITCON continues

The Hussars ride again but their leadership will falter. Fatigue, stress will take a toll and command will not be that glorious and end in defeat but a defeat full of lessons.

Now I was to meet Stephen and his dutch army . Not only was I to meet a very good player but that famous general even managed to outscout me which would lead to my defeat as I was very unsure on how to deploy

And in the middle runs a river

I made the classic mistake of planning a big outflanking move

Ok so here we go . My arquebus skirmishing infantry tries to annoy him

Trying to threaten his flank

Here I was completely distracted as I had forgotten his mounted arquebusiers were in skirmish order and poor . I will fail to take advantage of it

Wel it does not seem to work

Here some fights are on and it will be difficult for me. Unwilling dice, being outnumbered will make things difficult . Why do I have exceptionals on green

The infantry is seeing some action

My dice did find many blanks, added to the fact that I mismanaged my cavalry ans Stephen did well with his army it was a good recipe for defeat

Well my cavalry broke and so the battle finished . From memory 15-4 but I learned a few things about the rules and will play better ( next time )

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