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HELVETIKA continues Incas meet Pontics

Now facing Renaud and his mighty but ponderous pontic army with a very heavy Armenian ally.

I knew I would face cataphracts, very indigest for me but they are tribal so if I could make them manoeuvre, I would have an opportunity for survival

A strange deployment indeed ! I had outscouted my opponent . In the "middle" of the table a wood which would help me control the movement of the cataphracts. Initially I planned to avoid fighting on my left flank and go for it on my right flank . But as Renaud decided to deploy his cataphracts on his right, my left I decided that to have a game my guards units and the bakamoro would deploy facing his best . I do not know why they avoided my canari unprotected spearmen as I would always suffer at the hands of such heavy cavalry but so it is

The wargaming room

Some mounted bowmen coming agressivly at me. I wait confidently with my skilled bakamoro . The guards are steady and my regular infantry, all drilled, come at maximum speed to close the door

Occupying the woods and a nice TUG if cataphracts is waiting for me to get out of those woods

His heavies are going for my "weak" flank but with tribal it takes a bit of time

A rash pontic charge by mounted shooty cavalry and hurray he lost 3 bases on 6 to one base and a wound to my bakamoro . He forgot those guys are skilled shooters and coming in was painfull but he stills manoeuver to outflank me with other mounted and cataphracts . In melee the bakamoro would win and kill the enemy ( with the help of the legenday CIC )

A more general view of the battlefield

In order to have a game I went forward with my canari long spears

The slingers and another infantry unit in support did rather well

Ok here it started to be a bit more difficult for me as the bakamoro faced a new charge and would fail + the cataphracts finally are getting in

The game would end soon after as time was nearing the end of the game. I do not remember the exact score but not high 4-4 something like that so I resisted. My feeling is that the cataphracts should have gone straight forward much quicker, but cards are cards, tribal are tribal and not so manoeuvrable.

Here are now some pictures from Renaud's side

An enjoyable game and I was surprised to survive once again and surprised at the general tendency of the tournament/event high scoring.

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