Sunday morning, I was to meet Gilles and his Late Carthaginian army

I was out scouted and Gilles skilfully refused a flank . It was to be expected.

Still both armies went forward towards each other the plan being to get fun and points.

I was hoping numbers would tell and it did happen

I manged to have some of my best troops advancing close to contact
No more pictures of that game but I was the lucky one as shooting charges went my way and Gilles's army broke quickly . The end result was 15-0 in my favour. I won every impact, every melee as his dices were really helping me by regularly finding the blank faces
That result pushed me back to the podium top but I did not care as I never win my own tournaments

As it had become a habit, my last game was played before with another Belgian player. This time once again David . That would leave me some time to check all results for the end of the day
David used a MRR in asia army with Pergame ally

I had out scouted him but he still managed to get an open plain

The white shields are his SUP infantry

I deployed my cavalry far on the flank to create a threat he could not ignore

My battle cavalry was to skirmish facing LS + SUP romans . I wanted to win time

And I used my Highland DC + ME to rush towards the AV romans and kill them quickly with the help of my SUP nobles ( 2 TUGS remember ) .
I will be able to avoid the SUP legions but not the allied xystophoroî . It will be messy but my highland allies will burst trough the AV flank and win the battle for me .
End result will be 15-5 in my favour

Final results