Now I was to meet a very perplexed Adrian and his 4105 early zhou

Both armies are now deployed and yes one of my flank was well protected

A very perplexed CIC .

And so it begins . I must admit being on the defence waiting for his assault

We will have a fight but I fear for my poor PA that are threatened by his chariotry

He fears my firepower as I fear his impact and melee capacities. His army is also much more mobile than mine

Both our flanks are ready to engage

He is more numerous but I got some nice cataphracts and they will hurt him a lot

Ok so both flanks will be heavily engaged
In the end melees will be mostly inconclusive. I managed to kill a SUG and a TUG and none of my units were broken or run over so 5-2 in my favour.
Adrian was rather frustrated by the result but a laager is a tough nut to crack. It is also a difficult army to manoeuvre to assault I still need to learn how to use those battleships